Call In & Schedule

All of these options are done through Barb Laughlin, MHSR Rodeo Secretary.

  1. Call Barb between 5-9pm on call in date (busiest time is 6:30-8:30pm; keep trying, you will get through). Call in is ALWAYS the Monday prior to the rodeo (State Finals is the only exception)! Phone 573-578-6490.

  2. Email Barb before noon on call in date. She will send a reply confirming your entry. If you do not receive this confirmation email, you should call to confirm. Email

  3. Sign the book (available at each rodeo). You can sign up to enter upcoming rodeos and do not have to worry about calling or emailing to enter. However, if you decide NOT to enter, you must call or email to draw out or you will owe fees for the rodeo you did not draw out of!

If you miss all the above opportunities, you have 24 hours from CALL IN CUT OFF TIME to call Barb. A $50 late penalty will be assessed upon check in!

2025 Spring Cutting Dates

High School Only
Held in conjunction with the Missouri Cutting Horse Association
January 11, February 22, April 19, May 10-11 (Finals)
Location: Rafter S Arena, Lebanon

2025 Spring Rodeo Dates

Burfordville, March 22-23
4C Arena (Cape County Cowboy Church), 1040 County Rd 370, Burfordville
Arrival Time: To be announced
Saturday Schedule: 10am HS, JH starts 1/2 hour after HS ends
Sunday Schedule: 9am JH, HS starts 1/2 hour after JH ends
Admission: Free
Concessions available: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Stalls: Reservation info to be announced
Camping/RV Hookups: Reservation info to be announced
Special Activities: None
Local Hotels:
Drury Inn & Suites, Comfort Suites, Town House Inn, Jackson

Carthage, March 29-30
Lucky J Steakhouse & Arena, 11664 E Fir Rd, Carthage
Arrival Time: Friday 3pm
Saturday Schedule: 10am HS, JH starts 1/2 hour after HS ends
Sunday Schedule: 9am HS, JH starts 1/2 hour after HS ends
Admission: $10/day
Concessions Available: Lucky J Steakhouse open for lunch, dinner
Stalls: Reservations online at (under Stalls/RV tab)
Tie Out: Only allowed if stalls are sold out, $10/day
Camping/RV Hookups: Reservations online at (under Stalls/RV tab)
Special Activities: None
Local Hotels: Quality Inn & Super 8, Carthage

Humansville, April 26-27
Double J Arena, 10 E 350th Rd, Humansville
Arrival Time: To be announced
Saturday Schedule: 10am HS, JH starts 1/2 hour after HS ends
Sunday Schedule: 9am JH, HS starts 1/2 hour after JH ends
Admission: Adults: $10/day, Children: $5/day
Concessions available: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Stalls: Reservation call-in times & details to be announced
Camping/RV Hookups: Reservation call-in times & details to be announced
Tie Out Charge: $15/weekend
For questions, call Debbie: 417-777-1027
Special Activities: None
Local Hotels: Barnwood Inn, Humansville

Palmyra, May 2-4
Regular HS Rodeo & State Junior High Finals this weekend
Rockin’ A Arena, 5303 Hwy C, Palmyra
Arrival Time: To be announced
Tentative Schedule!
Friday Schedule: HS Only, Friday Night – time to be announce, d
Saturday Schedule: 10am HS; Saturday Afternoon: Junior High Finals Begins – JH starts 1/2 hour after HS ends
Sunday Schedule: 9am JH, Awards & Signup for Nationals will be in the afternoon – time to be announced
Admission: Adults: $10/day, Non-competing child: $5/day
Concessions available: Lunch, Dinner
Stalls: none
Tie Out Charge: $10/day
Camping/RV Hookups: none
Special Activities: Friday/Saturday nights, to be announced/scheduled
Local Hotels: Sleep Inn & Suites & Quality Inn & Suites, Hannibal

State & National Finals

MHSR Junior High School Finals
May 3-4

Rockin’ A Arena, Palmyra

MHSR High School Finals
May 16-18, 2025

Lucky J Steakhouse & Arena

  • Friday, May 16 - 7pm performance

  • Saturday, May 17 - 7pm performance

  • Sunday, May 18 - 10am performance

  • Awards Sunday afternoon

Other activities throughout the weekend are still being finalized, more details to come.

NHSRA Junior High Nationals
June 22-28, 2025

Des Moines, Iowa

 NHSRA High School Nationals
July 13-19, 2025

Rock Springs, Wyoming

Additional Information

Shooting Sports — Date, time and location of shooting sport events for junior high (.22 rifle) and for high school (.22 rifle and trap) will be announced for each rodeo weekend.

Cowboy Church — Each Sunday morning at 8am, prior to the rodeo performance, typically in the bleachers or a building on the rodeo grounds. Services last about 30 minutes. Any schedule changes will be announced.